Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I'm back, ladies and gentlemen!

While I am eternally grateful for the many suggestions I received concerning my last post, I think it would be totally uncharacteristic of me to actually use any of them. I mean, really...I'm just weird like that. So anyway, I thought of something all on my own! I know you are all SO proud.


I've noticed something about myself recently. I have the amazing ability to block out truly unpleasant memories. I actually forget about them. Like, going to the doctor for a physical...I never remember much about it. The horrifying idea of having to wear those hospital gown things that barely cover you...yeah, I just block it out. I mean, I KNOW it happened, but the memory of it is very vague. I think this is a useful skill, but at times it isn't very helpful. I mean, if I don't remember, I don't fully know how to prepare myself the next time around. It's like, I know it'll be unpleasant, but the unpleasantness is so very vague, that it seems it will be sunshine and daisies or something by the time I actually get around to doing it again. That, I think, is what happened with this.

Seriously. That's totally creepy.

and looking back on this movie, I remember happy things. Toot Sweet candy a Truly Scrumptious. Not horrifying child sniffer man with a creepy nose for smelling out kids! COME ON! They let kids watch this? No wonder I blocked it out!


Rachel said...

Hahahaha, Jenna and I were just talking about the Child Catcher yesterday! He is so creep-tastic!

Also, those puppets from Mr. Rogers Neighborhood.

"oooooh, beeeeeth. I have lots of lovely goodies for you!"

Rachel said...

You know, thinking about this some more...they probably deserved to get caught. They're so greedy.


MagenRanae said...

Were on earth do you find such things?

Also, I'm kind of disappointed with your refusal to use our ideas. I was so proud of mine!

luaphacim said...

Hehe... It's funny because my brothers and I definitely did NOT block this out of our childhood. In fact, we took turns playing Child Catcher. Which, when you think about it, explains how I caught my sweet wifey -- practice, practice, practice. :-)

Tricia said...

HAHAHAA that's the creepiest thing ever! I'm pretty sure I really have never, ever seen that....