Monday, October 17, 2011

On Physics Homework

The biweekly battle that is my physics homework has commenced. This has often been a traumatic experience, but with the help of my loving husband I get through. Tonight, I was doing quite well, and the following conversation took place:

Husband: My little genius...(affectionate smile)
Me: You might say that I am your protege.
Husband: ...let's not be too hasty.
Me: Haha! (getting back to work) Hey! This one's about a monkey swinging!
Husband: Glad we weren't so hasty.

Yeah, we have fun.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Hold My Heart

Due to general lack of interest, I did not continue writing about Ireland. It was a great trip, but I don't need to write every detail. Instead I will fill you in on the first half of my semester at "real" college.

--Car accident Labor Day evening involving a large black SUV who didn't think it was his responsibility to stop and give me his insurance information.
--Failed a test. And then another two. This motivated me to work harder.
--Went through some of the craziest emotions I have ever known. I think this is what depression feels like?!

Thankfully, I wasn't left in my upside down state. While I can't believe how intensely hard the last few weeks have been, but it is absolutely wonderful to see how God works through some really tough things. And through it all, He perfectly supplied my poor husband with the grace he needed to help me get through. Levi is doing VERY well in school this semester.

Here on the other side of the crazy, I can see how God used it all to MAKE me trust Him. Though I have struggled more than ever to read the Word, I have never felt closer to Him. And here is hoping (and praying) that when things get hard again, I will trust Him even more.

Anyway, there is a Tenth Avenue North song that summarizes my feelings about this semester. If you have never heard them, they are pretty great...I love how they don't shy away from being human and instead use it to proclaim God's grace.

One tear in the dropping rain
One voice in a sea of pain
Could the Maker of the stars
Hear the sound of my breaking heart?

One life is all I am
Right now I can barely stand
If You're everything You say You are
Would You come close and hold my heart?

Though I know the selfishness of my heart, I am thankful for a God who hears me when I can only see my own pain. Praise Him for meeting me where I was, where I am, and where I will be tomorrow.