Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I'm back, ladies and gentlemen!

While I am eternally grateful for the many suggestions I received concerning my last post, I think it would be totally uncharacteristic of me to actually use any of them. I mean, really...I'm just weird like that. So anyway, I thought of something all on my own! I know you are all SO proud.


I've noticed something about myself recently. I have the amazing ability to block out truly unpleasant memories. I actually forget about them. Like, going to the doctor for a physical...I never remember much about it. The horrifying idea of having to wear those hospital gown things that barely cover you...yeah, I just block it out. I mean, I KNOW it happened, but the memory of it is very vague. I think this is a useful skill, but at times it isn't very helpful. I mean, if I don't remember, I don't fully know how to prepare myself the next time around. It's like, I know it'll be unpleasant, but the unpleasantness is so very vague, that it seems it will be sunshine and daisies or something by the time I actually get around to doing it again. That, I think, is what happened with this.

Seriously. That's totally creepy.

and looking back on this movie, I remember happy things. Toot Sweet candy a Truly Scrumptious. Not horrifying child sniffer man with a creepy nose for smelling out kids! COME ON! They let kids watch this? No wonder I blocked it out!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Blah Blah Blah!

I have realized something. It's huge. It's monumental. It's absolutely horrifying. Well....maybe not.

I have nothing to say.

Seriously. Life is THAT uneventful. I need suggestions...something, ANYTHING to boost my creativity here. Come on, people, help me out! I need to vent about something on this little blog here, but as of today I have absolutely nothing to write about. GIVE ME SOMETHING!