Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Has anyone ever stopped to look at the amazing assortment of gadgets available to put on your blog? I spent way too much time looking at all of these, only to discover that most are completely useless...and kind of creepy. Between Donald Trump Quote of the Day and Beautiful Sunset Pictures, I got a little giggly. Because the things that truly amuse people are kind of scary. For instance, this is the description of, I'm not kidding, Adorable Babies. "The most adorable babies! A beautiful rotating slide show of 10 random baby photos at a time."

Can you say, 'creepy?' Seriously! Who does that! I mean, babies are cute and all, but aren't they the cutest when you, say, actually know the parents of these babies? You know they are weird pictures, like the ones where Baby has a Christmas Bow on her bottom, or is dressed up as some sort of fruit or vegetable. Sweet, when you, again, have some sort of relationship to said baby. But when it's some stranger's baby? I'm not so sure.

The example picture shows a darling, naked infant with a tag saying, "From God." How sweet. How frightening.

You know, these kids are totally gonna hate their parents for this someday. It's totally creepy.


Rachel said...

Hahaha, that is so horrible and wonderful at the same time.

Grace said...

Hehe... the "From God" one reminded me of an incident from my weekend in Topeka.
One of Paul's female friends fell asleep wrapped up in a blanket under the Christmas tree. Her friends placed a note on top of her that read, "To Paul, From God"
PS: The word verification for this comment is "Sesters" hehe!

DP said...

I want to be one of those parents.

Tricia said...

Hahahah wow! Being that into random babies is most definitely creeeeeeepy. Eeeeeee.
So I stumbled on your blog whilest working on a take-home final. Good distraction, for sure. How's Beth?

Hammy said...

Ha! Ha! Creepy babies!

I just came across your blog, Beth. I love it!