Saturday, June 14, 2008

Grade School Camp

Here at camp, some interesting things happen. Most of them when I am tired. At the end of last week, when the grade school girls were cleaning up their things to go home, this amusing thing happened...

I was counseling with Grace, and we had a camper named Grace, which causes some confusion. Camper Grace's friend Allie is kind And Camper Grace is very quiet and shy. Interseting combination. The following conversation took place last Friday.

Allie: Grace, can you help me?
Grace: Sure. What do you need?
Grace: Oh...sorry.
Allie: Well, you've been doing that ALL week!

Me: (To counselor Grace) Sheesh! Stop answering to your own name!!!
Grace: SORRY!

At another day, Camper Grace sits, fidgeting, at the dinner table.

Allie: Stop it!
Grace: Sorry, I keep forgetting.
Allie: It's okay. I think I know what your problem is.
Allie: You just get a little too excited sometimes!!!

yeah...true facts.

1 comment:

MagenRanae said...

you're funny, ma'am. It was nice to get to see you for a bit this weekend!