Friday, September 26, 2008


My mother has been making friends with our Korean neighbors. She tutors the two boys, and Rose and Joel take art classes from their mom. Also, Rose and I take turns "tutoring" the younger boy, Joong-Wong.(I'm not sure if I really spelled that right...but who's going to correct me, really?) "Tutoring" means reading to him and watching this incredibly smart third grader work on spelling words. And then we play Scrabble.

None of this is to help him with his actual school work...his mom just wants him to really love reading. And he doesn't mind spending an extra hour twice a week on spelling and reading. This kid is highly entertaining. I'm reading him this book he brought with's called Gregor, and it's about some weird underworld. The chapter I read today involved giant bats...yeah, it was weird.

Anyway, I just wanted to introduce you all to my new friend Joong-Wong and his family...because I'm sure that there will be more to share about them in the future. :)


Unknown said...

Awww, I too have Koreans boys in my life.
I can't wait to hear your stories.

MagenRanae said...

Fun! I'm so glad you guys are developing a relationship with them. Your mom must be uber excited.