Monday, September 22, 2008

I <3 Heroes!

So, the school year has been going on for a several weeks now, and September is almost over. This means Beth is bored. Sure, October is fun in it's own way...but not really till the end, with pumpkins and costumes and all that. Right now it's all kind of...well, blah.

Well, thank goodness prime time television has come to the rescue! Heroes is starting tonight, and Joel and I await this evening quite anxiously. Is Nikki really dead?(please, please let her be dead...) Will Peter save the day? Will Claire become less annoying and cheerleader-y?

Let me explain myself. In the last few years, I have watched very little television. There was nothing very worth taking the time to watch, and ballet classes were always in the evenings when I would normally be watching TV. So I didn't mind, I liked the fact that I was not bound to the television every weekday night. Also, I hate jumping in the middle of a series that has been going on for awhile. I like to know what's happening.

Then that whole writers' strike thing happened. And there was no TV for months. And I didn't dance me lots of time to check out station websites and catch up on a lot of TV...

Which means that this fall, I am excited for Heroes, Pushing Daisies, Chuck, and The Office, among...even more worthless TV. How exciting. At least now I have something to do with my time...

Yeah, you can say it. I should find something better to do, and to write about...:)

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