Sunday, December 7, 2008

The Birthday Blog

Thursday was my 18th birthday...yay! Here is a collection of my thoughts on the last couple of days. Warning: Birthday Beth(Hereafter referred to as BB) is even more impossibly shallow than average, everyday Beth. Just so you know.

Birthday Thought #1, dated last Sunday) BB: Hmm. My birthday is on Thursday. I'd better start milking it for all it's worth..."Joel, will you get me a soda? . . . It's my birthday."

Birthday Thought #2, a couple days before B-day) BB: I wonder how long I can make my special birthday privileges last. The day after? A couple days?
Mom: Beth, I'm so sorry, but we're going to be pretty busy on your birthday...we'll have to spread out the celebration. I'm sorry!
BB: It's fine, mom. It's just a birthday. (secretly, in her head,) Yup, looks like I just secured at LEAST a couple extra days of birthday spoiling. Awesome!

Birthday Thought #3, B-day) BB: It's my birthday. That means I get to do whatever I want, right? Cool!

Birthday Thought #4, Day after B-day) BB: You know, I should try to be less shallow...because seriously, I'm a brat...

Not like that's ever stopped me before...

Birthday Thought #5, today) BB: 362 days till my birthday!


1 comment:

MagenRanae said...

You crack me up, Beth-r-doodle; I miss you. When are you going to come live with me?! Hannah might live with us! Wouldn't that be fun?!