Where to begin? My name is Beth, and I was always a small town kind of girl, until my dad got a job in the big city and we moved. Now my life consists of visting monuments and touring the White House. I used to be a ballet dancer, but I dropped that when we moved, so my schedule is more flexible than I am at the moment. Not having many obligations means that I get to do generally what I want to when I want to, like take a three week long trip to Chicago to visit my brother and his new family, which is what I'm doing at the moment. On Saturday I'll head back to Kansas for my sister's wedding. Rachel's Wedding was supposed to be small and casual, now it's just casual. In our family, there is no possibility of 'small.' There are nine kids in our immediate family alone. Which can sometimes be overwhelming.
Anyway, that's my life, in a mere 10 sentences. More to follow when I have more to say.
10 points for dinosaurs
5 points for your flexible comment
Eleventy Billion points for getting a blog to be like your faorite big sister.
ooou ditto, i loved the flexible comment, too. you're such a witty lady.
also, i love you!
p.s. footie pajamas.... hahahahahaha!!!
I was totally going to comment about how I liked the flexibility comment...but I'm totally not going to now. It's sooo last month.
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